This project was undertaken with our parish children and youth around the concept of Reconciliation with our Indigenous brothers and sisters. In discussion with them, we were heartened to see that they all had a fairly in depth understanding of colonisation, terra nullius and what reconciliation meant. We deepened this through conversations about Missions, the Frontier Wars and what very young children can understand and speak up about. What we value we talk about and show to others. This is about advocacy and activism. We have an Aboriginal flag in a highly visible place but this project aimed for them to work with an Aboriginal Elder to create some art poles in the front garden which would be highly visible to all who walk or drive past our church.

Three poles and paint were provided and we felt it was important to represent the Aboriginal colours on one pole and the Torres Strait Islander colours on another pole. The third pole was left for the children and Polly Sumner to create designs of their own choosing. The following week several children with adult supervision dug the 3 holes and “planted” the poles into cement. The children also painted small rocks to place at the bottom of the poles and a Reconciliation sign.

This project went over a four-week period and it was amazing to see the team work that the children demonstrated. They selected a pole and their team mates and worked out how they would paint the poles. There was a great deal of discussion and collaboration and they demonstrated delight and pride in their work. After each week the adults from church went out to have a look at the work and the children explained what they had been doing. Adults gave good feedback as have other people passing along the street. This has brought the different generations together in a positive way. Polly was very impressed with our children and has offered to undertake another art project with them.

Jill Huntley