St Oswald’s is an Anglican Church
As a faith community, we are on a remarkable journey, travelling light, asking questions, always learning.
We value the past and we are open to the future.
As a diverse group of people, we are striving to be a warm, open, inclusive, and thinking community.
We are committed to the joy of singing and inspiring music and art, as well as to building community, fostering spirituality, and working for justice.
Our conviction is that God is a loving presence in the world. We discovered that love in and through the life of Jesus of Nazareth and his friends, who subverted religious, social, and political divisions in the name of love. We value human diversity and autonomy.
You are welcome among us.
Our Service Times
8:30 am Sunday – Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer: said service
10:00 am Sunday – All Age Communion Service with Choir, Organ or Band
Children’s Ministry during school terms.
Morning Tea is provided after every service to catch up and meet newcomers.
Healing Service on the first Sunday of the month.
Parish Sharing forum on the second Sunday of every month.
9:30 am Thursday – Meditation and Quiet Time followed by 10:00 am Holy Communion
Join us for a cuppa after the service.
All welcome, we are an inclusive Church and are supportive of the LGBTIQ+ community.
News & Events
Soul Food Feast | Friday 16 August
Come and enjoy a night of delicious food and interesting conversation with guest speaker Dr Angela Evans AM. Angela will speak about Walk for Life - The Sustainable Clubfoot Project in Bangladesh. Date and time: Friday 16 August, 6.30pm for 7pm start Place: St Oswald’s Anglican Church, 5 St Anns...
Quiz Night | Friday 21 June
The annual Parish Quiz night is on again, on Friday 21 June. Test your trivia knowledge and win some wonderful prizes. All ages are welcome. Date and time: Friday 21 June, 7pm Place: St Oswald’s Anglican Church, 5 St Anns Place, Parkside Price: $20 per adult brain, $10 per student brain. Get...
Our different groups
Children and Youth
Under 35's Group
The Anglican Marks of Mission and the Voice to Parliament
A member of our Parish, the Rev'd Canon Peter Sandeman, has written an article about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament for the Adelaide Guardian. You can read the article by clicking on the button below: [button...
Being present to God’s Presence | Sermon
This sermon was preached by John Webb on 13 August, 2023 (Pentecost 11) The Theme for today: Being present to God’s Presence fits well with the Gospel: there is much in the Gospel for us to reflect on. However the first reading of the day from Genesis with the...
Trusting in the Truth of our Call | Sermon
This sermon was preached by the Right Reverend Denise Ferguson on St Oswald's Day: 6 August 2023 Readings: Gen 32:22-31 Ps 17:1-7,16 Rom 9:1-8 Matt 14:13-21 – Feeding the Five Thousand Holy God, as we worship together and explore your Word, may we have ears to hear,...
Get in Touch
Contact & Visiting Information
Worship Gatherings
St Oswald’s Anglican Church
5 St Anns Place Parkside SA 5063
(08) 8123 9650
Mailing Address
PO Box 22
Office email:
Parish priest: