Who We Are

The Anglican Parish of Parkside

St Oswald’s is an Anglican Church

As a faith community, we are on a remarkable journey, travelling light, asking questions, always learning. We value the past and we are open to the future.
As a diverse group of people, we are a warm, open, inclusive, and thinking community.
We are committed to the joy of singing and inspiring music and art, as well as to building community, fostering spirituality, and working for justice.
Our conviction is that God is a loving presence in the world. We discovered that love in and through the life of Jesus of Nazareth and his friends, who subverted religious, social, and political divisions in the name of love. We value human diversity and autonomy.
You are welcome in this place.

Our Leadership Team

Our Parish Priest is the Reverend Ali Wurm.

You can contact Ali at parishpriest@stoswaldparkside.org.au

Priest’s Warden: Heather Webb
People’s Warden: Jill Huntley

Our Service Times

8:30 am Sunday: Said Communion Service
10:00 am Sunday: All Age Communion Service with Choir, Organ or band. Morning Tea is provided to catch up and meet newcomers, and we run a Children’s Ministry at this service during school terms.
Healing Service the 4th Sunday of the month.

All welcome, we are an inclusive Church and are supportive of the Adelaide LGBTIQ community.