
The Anglican Parish of Parkside

St Oswald’s is committed to safe ministry. Safe Ministry exists to ensure that our church environments, our spaces, leaders and culture, are safe. The Anglican Diocese of Adelaide aims to ensure that all people within its environments are free from harm or abuse.

Worship Gatherings

St Oswald’s Anglican Church
5 St Anns Place Parkside SA 5063


(08) 8123 9650

Mailing Address

PO Box 22

Our Service Times

8:30 am Sunday – Holy Communion from A Prayer Book for Australia - said service

10:00 am Sunday – All Age Communion Service with Choir, Organ or Band

Morning Tea is provided after every service to catch up and meet newcomers.
Children’s Ministry during school terms.
Healing Service on the first Sunday of the month.
Parish Sharing forum on the second Sunday of every month.

9:30 am Thursday – Meditation and Quiet Time followed by 10:00 am Holy Communion

Join us for a cuppa after the service.

All welcome. We are an inclusive Church and are supportive of the Adelaide LGBTIQ+ community.