News & Events

The Anglican Parish of Parkside

Under 35s Book Club

The St Oswald's Under 35s group will be running a monthly book club in 2022. We will initially be reading through Jay Shetty's Think Like A Monk. Meetings alternate between Zoom and in-person, with lunch. Anyone aged between 18 and 35 is welcome to join. If you're...

Lent and Easter dates, 2022

Lent is coming up quickly - here are the key dates for 2022. Ash Wednesday: March 2 Maundy Thursday: April 14 Good Friday: April 15 Easter Saturday: April 16 Easter Sunday: April 17

Commissioning of Alison Wurm | 21st November

On Sunday, 21st November 2021, the Reverend Canon Alison Wurm will be installed as our Parish Priest. Tne service will take place at 3pm at St Oswald's, Parkside.

Poetry Night | 24 September 2021

We will be hosting a poetry night in the Parish Centre on Friday, 24 September, 2021. Join us for a night of food, fun, and readings of some of our favourite poems. A collection will be taken at the door.

Parish Movie Night | 27th August

This Friday, 27th August, we're hosting a movie night in the Parish Centre. The movie is the award winning, and delightful, family friendly movie: The White Balloon. A light dinner will be offered from 6pm, and the movie will run from 7pm. Due to COVID regulations,...

Ali Wurm our new Parish Priest

The Nomination Committee is pleased to announce that the Reverend Canon Alison Wurm (Ali) has accepted Archbishop Geoffrey Smith’s invitation to become the next Parish Priest at St Oswald’s, Parkside. Born, raised and ordained in Adelaide, Ali has twenty years of...

Ascension Day Service – 13 May 2021

Join us this Thursday, 13 May, for an Ascension Day service. The service will be at 6pm in the church, followed by a meal at a local venue. All are welcome. If you wish to attend the meal as well, please let us know beforehand so we can judge numbers - email...

TWO STUDIES FOR LENT, Thursday’s March 4, 11, 18, 25

In the morning (11:30am-12:30) led by Steven Ogden on "Transformation: The Story of Nicodemus" a political reading of an ancient text, addressing the problem of strongman politics. In the evenings (6:15pm-8:15) led by Sorèl Coward based on “Return of the Prodigal Son”...


Workshop led by DR Betty-Jean (B-J) Dee-Price on Saturday 13TH February, 1.30-4.30PM at St Oswald's Anglican Church, 5 Ann’s Place Parkside. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL: email: Helene Griffiths 0405311812