The Anglican Parish of Parkside has a strong history of presenting concerts, using high-quality music in worship, and using its space to hire and collaborate with leading South Australian community, music and school organisations.

Through donating to this project, you will help us purchase a quality semi-concert grand piano to facilitate more concerts, masterclasses and workshops with and for South Australia’s young, emerging and professional musicians.

Well on the way to having raised over 50% of the required funds. We intend to finalise this appeal by 31 July 2024.

Make your tax-deductible donation with Australian Cultural Fund.

Since 1904, when St Oswald’s Church was consecrated, arts in all forms have played a strong liturgical and spiritual role. St Oswald’s also has a busy adjunct program of exhibitions, concerts, events and other forums, with a particular emphasis on social justice causes, that both raise money and encourage wider community involvement.

From the 1960s the Parish has included music of diverse genres as part of its regular program predominantly of the classical and folk inspired genres and has a remarkable history of commissioning and premiering new works.

To further our existing arts activities, which include concerts with the Adelaide Male Voice Choir, Adelaide Youth Strings and Lumina Vocal Ensemble; collaborations with local schools, and hosting residencies with musicians; the Parish is now raising funds to buy a high-quality second-hand semi-concert grand piano.

Research to date has identified that St Oswald’s Church has excellent acoustics, making it a space well suited for a semi-concert grand piano, such as a Yamaha C5 semi-concert grand piano.

To ensure a professional approach with selecting the grand piano to be purchased, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra’s orchestral pianist and well-known Adelaide accompanist, Jamie Cock has been engaged to provide his invaluable expertise.

When the funds have been raised, funds will also be kept aside to ensure its continued maintenance and tuning to ensure that the instrument remains in premium condition.

To progress the Parish’s vision as an inclusive, lively and welcoming community hub and to become known as an accepted choice for those looking for a high-quality music venue, the addition of a quality grand piano is a natural development.

The acquisition of a grand piano will encourage increased musical activity from community-based to that of the highest order and enable the Parish to partner with local music educators and arts organisations on a regular basis and as a viable venue for hire to classical musicians and chamber music ensembles.

Please join the Anglican Parish of Parkside to enable their visionary commitment to play a greater role in the arts and cultural life of Adelaide.

How to donate:

The project has been registered with the Commonwealth Government’s Australian Cultural Fund. Through donating with them, your donation is tax-deductible.

Click here to donate

We are well on the way to having raised over 50% of the required funds. We intend to finalise this appeal by 31 July 2024.

Click here to download the full information brochure